
Showing posts from April, 2020

Book Review of my debut novel, "The Fiery Women'

An Astounding New Long Narrative by Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B.

Sharing some important links to my works and about me!

Poem on Lord Ganapathi


Poem: 'Peace'

Peace True peace is not meditation, It does not lie in intimidation, True peace is finding a solution, Inspite of chaos! The opposite of war is not always peace, War for sagacious righteousness, To uphold truth and justice, Is not vicious! Peace is not abstinence from war, But right indulgence in it when needed, Peace is not keeping mute, But breaking wrong silence! True peace is not always being popular, But doing and speaking what’s right, Peace is not just in smiling, But in wiping others’ tears, True peace is not in outer beauty, But giving shape to the inner duty,  In contemplation and sacrifice! Dr.S.Padmapriya

More Book Bytes

Book Bytes - 4 1. 'The Prince' is the famous book written by Machiavelli. It is about politics. 2. 'The Divine Comedy' is an epic narrative poem written by Dante Alighieri. It is about a visit to heaven, hell and purgatory. Book Bytes- 5 1.'Utopia' was the famous book by Sir Thomas Moore about an imaginary island called 'Utopia', which is a perfect state. 2. ' On the Revolutions' is the book by the Polish astronomer, Copernicus which puts forward 'The Heliocentric Theory, which is that The Sun is the centre of the solar system. Book Bytes 6 1. 'The Adventures of Don Quixote' was written by Cervantes, a Spanish writer. The book revolves around the exploits of Don Quixote and his squire, Sancho Panza. This book is considered to be the first modern novel. 2. 'The Pilgrim's Progress' is the famous book written by John Bunyan. The book revolves around the character, 'Christian'. 

Poem- RAMA

RAMA You are the perfect God, Who loves with perfect devotion, Epitome of respectful behaviour, Never gloating like a superior, Saviour of all sufferers, Vanquisher of every Evil, Yet you show no aversion, Even to your enemy,  You show compassion, You reside in every person, Great Creator of the best version. Dr.S.Padmapriya

Link to article about Collective responsibility!

Book Bytes -3

Book Bytes - 3 1.'Nicomachean Ethics' is the collection of the thoughts and views of Aristotle on various subjects. 2. 'The History of Herodotus' by Herodotus covers the subjects of warfare and politics of the ancient Greeks and Persians. S.Padmapriya

Book byte - 2

Book Bytes - 2 1. 'The Tale of Genji' was written by the Japanese noblewoman, Murasaki Shikibu in the 11th century. The story revolves around the exploits of Hikaru Genji, born to an emperor. 2.'The Travels of Marco Polo' was written by Marco Polo, which is about his journey through Asia, which lasted for 24 years. It is considered the world's greatest travelogue. S.Padmapriya

Book Bytes -1

Book Bytes - 1 1. The Japanese writer, Ryuho Okawa wrote and published 52 books between November 2009 and November 2010! 2. 'On the Republic' was the famous work by Cicero. The book inspired revolutions and led to the establishment of democratic governments around the world. S.Padmapriya