
Showing posts from February, 2021

Poem: The Brahmaputra

 The Brahmaputra*- A Minor Epic Poem Life is Brahmaputra! Wide, large, infinite; Perilous beauty! The Brahmaputra is YOU! The Brahmaputra is an emporium, Of the trials and triumphs of humanity, Encased in timelessness, Giving its gifts for free! The Brahmaputra is the vivid imagination, Of childhood years, Its fructification, In the maturing years! Magnificent like persons of great eminence, The Brahmaputra is a revelation. The Brahmaputra - a permanent image, In the annals of enamelled time, A light, A song. The Brahmaputra is a million-limbed vision, Of multitudinous magnificence, Like the million-petalled Sun-God  A guidance to tranquillity! The Brahmaputra is the penetrating heavens, Moving in and out of the human experience, The proof of the living conscience. The Brahmaputra is beauty, Dipped deep in divinity, The Mother of emotions, The Father of thought. The Brahmaputra is the Frail Human-being, With all her shortcomings, Dance of fantasy and reality, Drowned in the da...