
Showing posts from October, 2023

A Great Soul ( A Tribute to the Mahatma)

 A Great Soul (A poem on Mahatma Gandhi) Great souls are not made In gyms or fashionable parlours but in  Foundries producing human castings; the  Soul is melted in the heat of sufferings And carefully wrought great souls are brought out. He fought imperialism by resistance with truth Satyagraha. He had a child like heart and  Said that the education of a child begins with  Conception. He shed tears at animal sacrifice Even in temples. He preached and practised ‘Ahimsa - non-violence’    ‘Brahmacharya – celibacy’ ‘Satyagraha – resistance with truth’ and ‘Aparigraha – non-possession’; Living  A righteous life and suffering. Winning  Goodwill. Rendering service in a spirit of joy. Great souls are not made In gyms or fashionable parlours but in  Foundries producing human castings; the  soul is melted in the heat of  sufferings And carefully wrought great souls are brought out. Dr.S.Padmapriya